Sunday, October 31, 2010

Multiple Canaans

 My neighbor and one of my (oftentimes!) best buds growing up in Canaan Valley was named Canaan (pictured above with his Pops Chazz). Both were pronounced differently, the Valley bucking the tradition with kuh-nane, instead of the original kay-nun. Harry, our bus driver for a few years, always called him Cannon. He loved leaving out the Y sound. Kids snickered every time Harry boomed out "Cannon, get in your seat!!!" Harry never changed his pronunciation, not once.

Canaan the man, who I just got to hang with for the first time in, oh, something like 4 years (he's been chasing winter around the globe, Endless Winter? Coaching NZ skiers there, in CA and in CAlifornia. Go buddy go!) may eventually settle in Canaan Valley someday.....very far away? His skills are being used in the race universe, so it might be a while.

What sparked this strange post about Canaan (the man, the place, and yes, lest we forget, the biblical land of milk and honey) was that I stumbled upon a pretty interesting site called The Change Creation. There goal is clearly stated, and the buggers make ya think a little more than the regular automaton by having the website go ----> that way and not  |
                                                                this way.

While in this inspiring website, I came across Canaan Fair Trade. "Fair Trade Delicacies From Palestine, The Land Of Milk And Honey." Having read about the Canaanites focus on agriculture and essentially more nomadic disposition due to erratic changes in the climate (Did you hear that echo?), it seems fitting that Canaan, the man and winter nomad, is living in a very intensive agricultural place, New Zealand...perhaps it is like a modern day land of milk and honey? Not to piss off any fellow Americans.

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