Monday, April 19, 2010

Florida Family

Reporting for Mountain Duty: the trip to Florida was a hit. Everything went fine and Sheena's family was a joy to meet and get to know better. Thanks to Don and Trish for the ocean abode and sweet wheels ('91 Astro Van and beach cruisers!!!) 

Aunt Deb made this yummy baby cake. How sweet! Notice Sheena is still hittin' the booze, Bud Light, no less...when will she ever learn (to drink quality brews)?
Chase (with Aunt Deb) was pretty darn fun to be with!

 Most of the Williams Family...beautiful people!

 Blue Spring was idyllic and refreshing. 73 degrees year round...
What is that? Not a rock....but a manatee. See his two white scuff marks by his head? Likely from speedy boats. He would sit like a statue for some time...then float up slowly and get a swig of air, then sink down to stillness again. "Efficient."

Dragonfly stayed still...

Doesn't even look pregnant. Yet body surfing is still a bit tricky!

Mini Manatee Vid

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Closed" Has No Meaning

It's really cider...

Sheena and three (3) bitches...rippin' it up at T-line last week. While they have been "closed" for a couple of weeks , the snow is aplenty.

The bridge between reality and dreamy slopes is slowly melting...or sublimating?

Sheener and I are off to sunny Florida to go watch NASCAR (Non-Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks...) and get tanned, er, burned up by jah sunshine. No, we are really just going to spend some time with her side of the family, since mine is all up in her grill all the time... garsh dang kin, back off!

Back Friday, and get yer sneaks ready for some ultimate and soccer in Thomas. It has begun.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Plastic Food

Above: Pic by Justin Staple  |  Graffiti by SPQR
It's a bit late for this foolish day, but this is hardly a joke:

From the awfully redundant Grist: McDonalds Food Won't Compost

That tasty bit of news, true or not, is based on this. A Happy Meal stays happy for a long time, it seems.

These guys give "food" a bad name...