Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Patience is a Virtue..."

...until it's silence burns you." -TVOTR While I though it would be apparent to people when the baby came to be with us, it clearly is not. As of Sunday afternoon, there is little news to report. Sheena has been doing well, considering some of the stories I have heard about other women's pregnancies. I'm doing my best to let the little things ("Why aren't you home yet!?" "Sheenie Weenie Panini, I've been working all day...") roll on by, as I have no idea what it's like to a) be a woman, b) be a pregnant hormonal woman, and c) date me. But please know this, when the "blessed event" (Jeff C's diction) occurs, many of you will get a phone or e-mail message. Por favor, be patient.

"According to my notes, giving birth is gonna hurt like hell. Rub my feet, now!"

Foggy Bottom (aka Kit Kat) has taken a liking to Honey's quite aromatic and hairy bed...

..and Honey isn't sure she likes it. Of course, she can't really do anything about it, so she waits. If I were her I'd just sit on the little kitty...he'll get the point.

Sunrise from Hypno's awe-inspiring deck. Our beloved Chimney Tree at the Old Bank Building never looked so good. If you get to Hypno by 6:45ish then you, too, can witness this spectacle.

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