Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Come all ye Fathers who suck terribly at identifying baby's woes. The modern mil-ind superplex has the solution! Baby's communicate most effectively with a cry. Some of us hear it and it is just a cry...but there are, perhaps, different types of cries? Like "Feed me, dammit" or "I'm soaked in hot urine." Add to that list "I'm
being toasted from the inside out" and you've got the latest $33 dollar object to soon reach our shores: The Babyglow. If that little human is too hot, the dang suit changes colors. The human wrist is so 1990. We've got better things to do than self-monitor the little ones. Add the Baby Cry Analyser, which allegedly tells you why that little creature is crying, or the Frowning Milk Bottle, and you've got plenty of time to use that would have otherwise been wasted on giving a shit. Just sell us the Auto-Nanny that runs on compost. Now we're talking.

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