Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday the 12th, Saturday the 14th and paraskevidekatriaphobia

Well, enjoy the last one of the year, ladies and gents...we will have to wait until the over-hyped year of 2012 to get another maxed out Friday the 13th year. That ought to be a good one anyhow. Ya know, "death" can be a metaphor phor the letting go of oldness and changing into newness, or something/anything that one can make up, instead of rigid belief-staples that disdain meta4's.

Good luck or bad luck, let me know how your day goes! Thus far mine has been fine. Stepped on all the cracks, tossed black cats underneath ladders made of mirror shards and still did not get poisoned by my daily espresso. Consider it "good luck."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was told three separate times that it was Friday the 13th and forgot almost instantly each time. either i have a very short short-term memory or an under developed sense of superstition...either way, it was all good. that photo is SO claire beau.

xx, mer