Now that the Farmer's Market is goin' on, I'm bound to be heckled at least once a week by this character, Mac the Knife.
Esty is as glad as I am to see Uncle Adam again.
Kids snacking at the community garden in Thomas, WV. Hopefully they will be able to add some fresh 'maters to their snack.
In other news, I've been trying my (clean) hand at hatching chickens. I've got a very simple still air incubator (with about 20 eggs in it), and have about a half dozen eggs that the Buff Orpiingtons are sitting on....the Buff Brahmas have been seen sitting on the same clutch. That's what I call teamwork. I hope to get purebred Brahmas but will likely have a few mixed OrpiBrahmas, maybe even a Rhode Island Brahma as it seems the neighbors chickens may have been laying eggs in my coop. Probably because of the great furnishings that my girls have...ha. If I have any luck I'd like to try to hatch some guineas and bantams. Oh what fun on the funny farm.