Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I think he really means "Ah, screw it."

This is too good!!!!!!!!! Colbert jumps on board with climate change who-gives-a-crap and well-what-can-we-do-about-it-anyhow GOPers.


Here is the link if the video doesn't work.

This clip may go down in history as pretty perfect...but the climate change deniers will surely go down in history as blatant liars, cheats, and sell-outs that had so much dirty money in their mouths that they literally don't care a lick about solutions to problems but love plain old greed. Somebody reliable told me that every other nation in the world with a Conservative party acknowledges climate change and are working towards, well, trying to deal with it (as opposed to curling up with the cheesy food). Mind you, this is across the bi-partisan gap, a similar gap that we have, just not as insanely irrational and unscientific. Perhaps some of them will care for the health of people and planet and not just enjoy being beholden to interests that don't help people and planet. Perhaps...but for now, they make great fodder for comedy shows.

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