Monday, May 9, 2011


The secret to the Fro. Fish oil juice.

The secret to couch-parenting: leave the kid leftovers on their face.

The secret to growing indeterminate tomatoes in Dub V.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cory - Fantastic house you've built to bring wonderful summer veggies into the world. I put a salad together last night from red and green lettuce, spinach, arugula, and raddishes. The joy of pulling up those things out of the ground and putting them right on the plate should not be underestimated. Good luck with the growing and good to see you at Cheat Fest. -Tim

Cory said...


I helped to erect this high tunnel but I cannot claim it as my own. It lives at my friends farm called Rolling Thunder. He sells at the Elkins market and used to do a small Davis market years ago. My hoops are a *lot* smaller than those pictured! I can only look forward to having one of my own.

And yes, it is a wonderful reward to pluck plants outta the ground and lovingly consume them so soon! It's something the industrial world just can't replicate. Decentralized food ain't bad.

Happy gardening!