Once again
Grist has turned me on to more inspiring eco info. Permaculture with a modern twist. This seems like the kind of thing that may reach into the mainstream, not just become a pipe dream for most and a tough road for those who choose it (bless you.) I mean, it's still always gonna be tough to live on this here planet, but these "
farmer/scientists" are " proposing high-tech neosubsistence -- or the capacity to live from local resources by use of advanced, appropriate technology, without requiring any compromise on quality of life."
Here is a link to their
blog. Very informative and they seem to be gaining moment and making some irie poz waves.
Global Village Construction Set in 2 Minutes from
Marcin Jakubowski on
And this guy
Kirk Rademaker makes cool sculptures out of sand. Here are a few pics...
When asked about what inspired him for this one, he said he saw me in the morning. "An Inn, an Inn, my parched throat!"
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