Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back in the Big Bad Backcountry

Well, one of my most epic ski's of the season was just had down over, well, I ain't tellin' you where. But if you can geo-locate it thru these pics then I guess it's no secret. Everybody survived, and all were grinning ear to ear due to the amazing abundance of pow-pow and practically perfect glades. Yup, they coulda-woulda-shoulda made a ski area outta this place...but it's nice that they didn't, too. Harder access weeds out the weak lift-serve goons. 
 John "Sir Huxalot" Mo getting the most outta his NNN's and skinny Evos.

 Cliffs Galore!

 Caught in mockery and demonstration of how many Facebooker's take pictures, Curtis likely got his best mug shot to date. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey HEY LADIES!

 Yum yum, this little lady got to try her first solid food (unless you count the chocolate covered espresso beans I've been given just before Mommy gets home from work) and I think that she burped it all up. Oh well, worth a try. She has been watching us eat for some time with curiosity so she grabbed that spoon and knew exactly where the contents went, and it wasn't on her shirt...well, not all of it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

B-B-Below Zero

Dang, haven't posted in a while. Will try to be more on it. I've been thinking of turning this blog over and changing the name to Esty's Funhouse but she couldn't remember the password. We'll have to wait.

It's been cold. Numb-your-fingers-in-a-few-seconds cold. Either keep moving and/or do the mega bundle up, preferably no skin exposed. Estoria's outside time is limited by these single digit/below zero temperatures. Oh, Come On! Just a short ski?

Bumbo lunch.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Come all ye Fathers who suck terribly at identifying baby's woes. The modern mil-ind superplex has the solution! Baby's communicate most effectively with a cry. Some of us hear it and it is just a cry...but there are, perhaps, different types of cries? Like "Feed me, dammit" or "I'm soaked in hot urine." Add to that list "I'm
being toasted from the inside out" and you've got the latest $33 dollar object to soon reach our shores: The Babyglow. If that little human is too hot, the dang suit changes colors. The human wrist is so 1990. We've got better things to do than self-monitor the little ones. Add the Baby Cry Analyser, which allegedly tells you why that little creature is crying, or the Frowning Milk Bottle, and you've got plenty of time to use that would have otherwise been wasted on giving a shit. Just sell us the Auto-Nanny that runs on compost. Now we're talking.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sustain A Bill It e

Once again Grist has turned me on to more inspiring eco info. Permaculture with a modern twist. This seems like the kind of thing that may reach into the mainstream, not just become a pipe dream for most and a tough road for those who choose it (bless you.) I mean, it's still always gonna be tough to live on this here planet, but these "farmer/scientists" are " proposing high-tech neosubsistence -- or the capacity to live from local resources by use of advanced, appropriate technology, without requiring any compromise on quality of life."

Here is a link to their blog. Very informative and they seem to be gaining moment and making some irie poz waves.

Global Village Construction Set in 2 Minutes from Marcin Jakubowski on Vimeo.

And this guy Kirk Rademaker makes cool sculptures out of sand. Here are a few pics...

When asked about what inspired him for this one, he said he saw me in the morning. "An Inn, an Inn, my parched throat!"