Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Today in this time-warp state: Check out some civil disobedience going on in Dub V!

Coming Up: Les Claypool Live....but first:

College Grad Lands Small Job Just Before Graduation! (picture unrelated)

Soon after peeling outta Motown with a magna cum-laude in tow, unmild mannered Cory Chase (not of olfactory Floridian MySpace fame) began training to set sail on the high seas of steamed milk and fresh espresso with the often gritty (joke) Hypno Coffee Pirates.

"Gary has been blunt enough to tell me what I completely suck at doing when making a cappuccino; I need to hear the full truth in that moment....milk isn't sweet, its flat, its too hot...I had better do better!" the swindling jackal-in-training said while pouring a strange ooze onto the latest freshly roasted batch of beans.

"This goo makes people feel the urge to come back to the place where they first drank the coffee, ideally it is inside the roastery....but we've heard stories of it being in weird places like bathrooms and other pagan places."

Chase said he hopes to someday meet his alter-ego and have a duo photo shoot, on ice.


Morgantown is a lot different than Davis. I think I can dig the change....no traffic lights, no freezing, stumbling sorority girls, no late night pizza....trade those Motown luxuries for mtn. bike rides, dancing to live music, and late night saunas!

What I don't miss:

Morgantown: Below the Walnut Street Bridge.

What I do miss: New Day Bakery, C. Bizzy jam sessions, trying to sneak up on Rob Riffe at the Sandcastle, climbing onto the Met for any reason...

Saw Les Claypool and his masked amazing musicians this past weekend....always a bunch of fun guys! "Not stating anything new here.....just....the facts."

Normal Les

Les doin' his normal thing....check out the videos....turn your sound down, quality sucks...sorry.
Many may ask why I like Les....mainly because he phlipping rips up the bass and he's weird and witty. I put these on here because I love them...let me know if you feel the same way.

Fancy Fingers

Mr. Monkey Wrench

Feel weird? You should.

He will be at All Good soon....be sure to check out Floyd Fest as well, no Les but lots of fun!


BShinkle said...

CLC. I myself am a Les fan. He is a rockin', rippin' radical bass player who knows how to be funky while straight up rockin. Ive always wanted to see him and i am now jealous that you have and i have not.

Cory said...


That was, if my memory serves me well, the 3rd time I have seen Les...you got some catchin' up to do Mtn. Khaki Man!

Nice to see you in Dub V!